Name of Chain_1: RA882388938A.pdb (to be superimposed onto Chain_2) Name of Chain_2: RA882388938B.pdb Length of Chain_1: 71 residues Length of Chain_2: 67 residues Aligned length= 67, RMSD= 1.20, Seq_ID=n_identical/n_aligned= 0.612 TM-score= 0.81266 (if normalized by length of Chain_1, i.e., LN=71, d0=2.54) TM-score= 0.84976 (if normalized by length of Chain_2, i.e., LN=67, d0=2.39) (You should use TM-score normalized by length of the reference structure) (":" denotes residue pairs of d < 5.0 Angstrom, "." denotes other aligned residues) cgcuucauauaauccuaaugauaugguuugggaguuucuaccaagagccuuaaacucuugauuaugaagug ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. --gaucauauaaucgcguggauauggcacgcaaguuucuaccgggcaccguaaauguccgacuaugguc-- Total CPU time is 0.02 seconds
(water of Chain_1 and Chain_2 in blue and red, respectively; non-water ligand of Chain_1 and Chain_2 in cyan and pink, respectively). |