MUSTER v1.0 Last updated: 10/19/2007 email to: MUSTER (MUlti-Source ThreadER) is a threading program for protein structure prediction. It uses six different sources: (1) sequence-derived profiles; (2) secondary structures; (3) structured-derived profiles; (4) solvent accessibility; (5) backbone torsion angles( psi and phi angles); (6) hydrophobic scoring matrix. For MUSTER, we give top 10 models with corresponding alignment and threading results. 1. Rank: Top 1 to Top 10 models. 2. Template: the template identified by MUSTER. 3. Align_length: The length of aligned region in the threading results of MUSTER. 4. Coverage: Align_length/target length 5. Zscore=(raw_score-mean_score)/std_score 6. Seq_id: Sequence identity by threading results 7. Type: If Z-score >7.5, the corresponding template is a 'Good' template. Otherwise, it is a 'Bad' template. 8. Target-template alignment: The alignment files describe the sequence alignments of templates to sequence after threading. 9. 3-D models from threading alignments: The threading files describe the aligned region between templates and target sequences with the corresponding 3-D coordinates of templates. Columns 4 and 5 are the residue names and residue orders of C alpha atoms of targe sequences, respectively. Columms 9 and 10 are the residue orders and residue names of C alpha atoms of aligned templates, respectively. 10. Full-length models by MODELLER: The final models are generated by MODELLER v8.2.