\n"; print "
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\n"; print "

EvoDesign Results for Monomer Example

\n"; $tarFile = "PD133.tar"; if(is_file($tarFile)){ print "

[Click on PD133.tar to download the tarball file including the EvoDesign results listed on this page]

\n"; } $fp=fopen($filename,"r"); while(!feof($fp)) { $aline=fgets($fp,4096); chop($aline); $nrg=preg_split('/\s+/',$aline); break; } fclose($fp); $simulation=$nrg[1]; if($nrg[1]=="Thd") { $simulation="Evolution-based simulation"; } else { $simulation="Evolution and physics-based simulation"; } } print "
"; ################ print input ------------------> print "
"; print "
"; print "   Summary of Input
"; #print "  Summary of Input
"; #print "Summary of input:\n"; $complexPDB ="./complex.pdb"; print "\n"; $receptorFile = "./recPD101054.pdb"; if(file_exists($receptorFile)) { print "
\n"; print" "; print ""; print ""; print ""; } else { print "
\n"; print" "; print "
"; print "Scaffold Structure"; print "
"; print ""; print ""; } if(file_exists($receptorFile)) { print ""; print ""; print ""; } print ""; print "\n"; if(file_exists($receptorFile)) { print "\n"; if(is_file($complexPDB)) { print"\n"; } else { print ""; } } print ""; print ""; print "
"; print "Scaffold Structure"; print ""; print "Receptor Structure"; print ""; print " Complex Structure "; print "
Generating complex via docking. . .
"; print "
"; print "

"; $filename="./summary.txt"; if(file_exists($filename) == True) { } else { print "
"; print "Your submission has been received and the job is running. . ."; } ################ print output ------------------> if(is_file($filename) == True) { #print "$align"; print "
"; print "

"; print "
"; print "   Top 10 Structural Homologs Used for Profile Construction
"; print "
"; #print "

Top 10 structural homologs used by EvoDesign:\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print""; print ""; print "\n"; $tempAA=str_split($splitScaffold[1]); $AAcount=0; foreach($tempAA as $tAA) { if($tAA!=' ') { $scaffAA[$AAcount]=$tAA; $AAcount++; } } $fp=fopen("./msa.out","r"); $rank=1; $tempSeqID=file("./seqID.txt"); while(!feof($fp)) { $scaffIndex=0; $msaINFO=fgets($fp,4096); chop($aline); chop($splitMSA = explode(" ",$msaINFO)); if($rank <=10) { $PDBhit=str_split($splitMSA[0]); print ""; $TMscore=round($splitMSA[1],2); print ""; $seq=str_split($splitMSA[2]); $seqIDindex=$rank-1; $ID = round($tempSeqID[$seqIDindex],2); print ""; print ""; # print "$scaffAA[1]"; print ""; $rank++; } } fclose($msa); print "
Rank PDB
TM-scoreIden. "; $ss=file("./SS.txt"); chop($splitSS=explode(":",$ss[3])); $secStr = str_split($splitSS[1]); $seqLength =0; foreach ($secStr as $value) { if($value!=' ') { if($value == "C") { $seqLength++; } elseif($value == "H") { $seqLength++; } elseif($value == "E") { $seqLength++; } } } $i =1; while($i<=$seqLength) { if(is_int($i/20)) { print "$i"; $i=$i+mb_strlen($i); } else { print " "; $i++; } } print "
"; for($k=1;$k<=$seqLength;$k++) { if(is_int($k/20)) { print "|"; } else { print " "; } } print "
"; foreach ($secStr as $value) { if ($value!=' ') { if($value == "C") { print "C"; $seqLength++; } elseif($value == "H") { print "H"; $seqLength++; } elseif($value == "E") { print "E"; $seqLength++; } } } print "
"; $scaffold=file("./SI.txt"); chop($splitScaffold=explode(":",$scaffold[2])); $expScaffold= str_split($splitScaffold[1]); foreach($expScaffold as $scaffAA) { if($scaffAA!=' ') { print $scaffAA; } } print "
$rank"; print "$splitMSA[0]$TMscore$ID "; foreach ($seq as $AA) { if($AA!=' ') { if ($AA == $scaffAA[$scaffIndex]) { if ($AA == "D" || $AA == "E") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA == "G" || $AA == "H") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA == "L" || $AA=="I") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA == "F" || $AA=="Y") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA =="C" || $AA=="M") { print "$AA"; } elseif ($AA=="A") { print "$AA"; } elseif ($AA == "P") { print "$AA"; } elseif ($AA=="N" || $AA =="Q") { print "$AA"; } elseif ($AA =="W") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA=="V") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA=="S" || $AA == "T") { print "$AA"; } elseif($AA=="R" || $AA=="K") { print "$AA"; } } else { print "$AA"; } $scaffIndex++; } } print "
"; print ""; print ""; print" "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
(a)All the residues are colored in black; however, those residues in the homolog that are identical to the residues in the scaffold sequence are highlighted in color. The coloring scheme is based on the property of the amino acid, where polar residues are brightly colored and non-polar residues are colored in darker shades. (more about the colors used)
(b)Homologs used for profile construction are ranked by TM-score.
(c)TM-score is calculated between the scaffold structure and each identified homolog. The higher the TM-score, the more similar the structure.
(d)Iden. is the percent sequence identity between the scaffold and each homolog.
"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "
"; print "
\n"; print "Download full multiple sequence alignment\n"; print "
"; print "Download evolutionary profile"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "   Clustering Results
"; print "
"; print "
\n"; print ""; print ""; print "
Sequences generated during the Monte Carlo simulation are clustered. The top clusters are listed in the table below. Information in the table includes the relative cluster sizes as well as the number of the top sequences that originate from each cluster. Users are able to download every sequence in each cluster; the files include the sequences as well as the free-energy of each sequence predicted by EvoDesign.
"; print "
"; print "
"; print "
\n"; print "\n"; print ""; $clusResults=file("./clusterResults.txt"); foreach ($clusResults as $clusLine) { $splitLine=explode(" ",$clusLine); print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; } print "
Relative Cluster
# Sequences Selected
from Cluster
Download Each
Sequence in Cluster
$splitLine[0]$splitLine[1]%$splitLine[2]Clus $splitLine[0] Sequences
"; print "
"; # $message.=" $aline"; print "
"; print "
"; print "   Summary of Output
"; # print "

Summary of output:\n"; print "
\n"; print "
\n"; print "\n "; # $count=0; $fp=fopen("./summary.txt","r"); while(!feof($fp)) { $aline=fgets($fp,4096); chop($aline); if(feof($fp)) { break; } $lineSummary[$count]=$aline; $count++; } fclose($fp); for($i=1;$i<$count;$i++) { $summary=explode(',',$lineSummary[$i]); if($summary[1]>0.01) { $score=10/$summary[1]; } else { $score=1001; } #"; #printf("%6.2f",$score); $seqIDDes[$i]=$summary[2]; print " "; print ""; } print ""; print "
Design Number Sequence Identity (%)[?] Normalized Relative Error [?]
Secondary Structure Solvent Accessibility Torsion Angle φ Torsion Angle ψ
EvoDesign Score[?]"; print "
Design $summary[0]$summary[2] $summary[3] $summary[4] $summary[5] $summary[6]
Data.zip SI SS SA φ ψ
"; print "
"; #print "\n"; # parameters print "
\n"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print" "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print "
(a) Sequence Identity: The percent sequence identity between the designed sequence and the scaffold sequence.
(b) Normalized Relative Error (NRE): NRE=(EDSāˆ’ETS)/ETS, where EDS is the error of the neural-network predictions relative to the scaffold structure on the design sequence and ETS is the error of the predictions based on the sequence of the target scaffold. The secondary structure, solvent accessibility and torsion angles for the scaffold structure are assigned by DSSP.
(c) Secondary Structure (SS): SS is predicted by PSSPred for the scaffold and design sequences. The Q3 errors of the design sequence (EDS) and scaffold sequence (ETS) with respect to the scaffold structure are used to calculate the NRE for SS.
(d)Solvent Accessibility (SA): SA for scaffold and design sequences are predicted by neural-network method. The correlation on SA between design sequence and scaffold structure (EDS) and between scaffold sequence and scaffold structure (ETS) is used to calculate NRE on SA.
(e) Torsion Angle (TA): TA is predicted by ANGLOR for scaffold and design sequences. The mean absolute difference of the design sequence (EDS) and scaffold sequence (ETS) from the scaffold structure is used to calculate NRE for TA.
"; print "
"; $message=file_get_contents("../../../bin/parameterNOmodel.html"); print "$message"; print "
"; # for($i=1;$i<$count;$i++) { # $filename="../des$i.txt"; # if(is_file($filename) == True) { # $summary=explode(',',$line[$i]); # $message="
  • Design $i:$display
         SeqIdentity:   $summary[2]% 
    "; # $fp=fopen($filename,"r"); # while(!feof($fp)) { # $aline=fgets($fp,4096); # chop($aline); # $message.=" $aline"; # } # fclose($fp); # $message.="
    "; # print "$message"; # } # } print "
    "; print "
    "; print "  Final Designed Sequences
    "; #Details on Design: print "
    "; print "
    \n"; $message="
    Energy:         EvoDesign calculated free energy of binding and folding
    "; $message.="Iden.: % of sequence identity between design sequence and scaffold sequence.
    "; $fp=fopen("../des1.txt","r"); while(!feof($fp)) { $aline=fgets($fp,4096); chop($aline); $pos=strpos($aline,"bind"); if($pos == false) { } else { $message.="Lig_bind: Residues are within 8.0 Å sphere radius of the hetero atoms.
    "; } break; } fclose($fp); $message.="DSSP_SS: Secondary structure as assigned by DSSP program on the scaffold structure.
    "; $message.="Scaffold: Scaffold sequence.
    "; $message.=" The identical residues are marked by '|'.
    "; $message.="Design: Design sequence.
    "; print "$message"; print "
    "; #print ""; #print ""; #print ""; #print ""; $clusterData=file("./clusterData.txt"); $cluster ="1"; $oldCluster=""; $newCluster="true"; $energy=file("./energy.txt"); $energyIndex=0; for ($j=1;$j<=10;$j++) { $index = $j-1; $energy[$energyIndex]=round($energy[$energyIndex],2); #print "$clusterData[$index]"; $data = explode(" ",$clusterData[$index]); chop($cluster=$data[0]); # chop($energy=round($data[1],2)); if($cluster!=$oldCluster) { $oldCluster = $cluster; $newCluster = "true"; $newLowest = "true"; } else { $newCluster = "false"; } if($newCluster=="true") { print "
    "; print "
    to view
    Cluster 1 DesignsEnergy
    "; print "  Cluster $cluster Center

    "; print "
    "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; $energyIndex++; print ""; print "
    "; print "
    \n"; print ""; print ""; print "
    EnergyIden. (%)
    $j$energy[$energyIndex]$seqIDDes[$j] DSSP_SS

    "; $ssIndex=3+$j; chop($splitSS=explode(":",$ss[$ssIndex])); $secStr = str_split($splitSS[1]); foreach ($secStr as $value) { if($value == "C") { print "C"; } elseif($value == "H") { print "H"; } elseif($value=="E") { print "E"; } } fclose($fp); print "
    "; $scaffold=file("./SI.txt"); chop($splitScaffold=explode(":",$scaffold[2])); print "$splitScaffold[1]"; print "
    "; $dashFile=file("./des$j.txt"); chop($dashes=$dashFile[2]); $splitDash=str_split($dashes); $count =1; foreach($splitDash as $value) { if ($count >=17) { if ($value==' ') { print " "; } else { print "$value"; } } $count++; } print "
    "; #$dashFile=file("../des$j.txt"); #chop($dashes=$dashFile[2]); #print "$dashes"; #print "
    "; chop($desSeq=explode(":",$dashFile[3])); print "$desSeq[1]"; print "
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; } else { if($newLowest=="true") { print "
    "; print "
    "; print "  Cluster $cluster Lowest Energy Sequences

    "; $newLowest="false"; print "
    "; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; $energyIndex++; print ""; # print ""; $countColor=2; } else { if($countColor % 2==0) { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; # print ""; $countColor++; } else { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; # print ""; $countColor++; } } #print"div id=\"seq$j\">;"; print "
    \n"; print "
    \n"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; } $newIndex = $j; #print "$clusterData[$index]"; $data = explode(" ",$clusterData[$newIndex]); chop($newCluster=$data[0]); if($newCluster!=$oldCluster) { print ""; print "
    EnergyIden. (%)
    $j$energy[$energyIndex]$seqIDDes[$j]"; # print ""; # print "
    $j$energy[$index]$seqIDDes[$j]"; # print ""; # print "
    $j$energy[$index]$seqIDDes[$j]"; # print ""; # print " DSSP_SS

    "; foreach ($secStr as $value) { if($value == "C") { print "C"; } elseif($value == "H") { print "H"; } elseif($value=="E") { print "E"; } } print "
    "; $hideSeq[$cluster][$j]=$j; print "$splitScaffold[1]"; print "
    "; $dashFile=file("./des$j.txt"); chop($dashes=$dashFile[2]); $splitDash=str_split($dashes); $count =1; foreach($splitDash as $value) { if ($count >=17) { if ($value==' ') { print " "; } else { print "$value"; } } $count++; } print "
    "; chop($desSeq=explode(":",$dashFile[3])); print "$desSeq[1]"; print "
    "; print "
    "; } #print ""; } #print ""; #print ""; #print "Design$j"; print ""; #print ""; #print "

    "; print ""; #print ""; # parameters print ""; #print "

    "; #print "
    "; #print "  Predicted Secondary Structure of Designed Sequences
    "; #print "
    "; #print "
    \n"; #print "\n"; #print ""; #print "
    "; #print "
    "; #print "
    "; #print "
    "; #print "  Predicted Solvent Accessibility of Designed Sequences
    "; #print "
    "; if (is_file("./ITmodel/model10.pdb")) { $cscore=file("./cscore.txt"); print "
    "; print "
    "; print "  I-TASSER Modeling of Designed Sequences
    "; print "
    "; print "
    "; print ""; print " "; print "

    Models of Top 10 Designed Sequences

    "; print " "; print ""; for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++) { $TMFile = file("./ITmodel/rmsd$i.txt"); $splitTM = explode(",",$TMFile[0]); $TMscore=$splitTM[0]; $RMSD=$splitTM[1]; $Cscore=0-rand(-15,15)/100; $cIndex=$i-1; if($i==1) { print ""; print ""; } else { print ""; print ""; } } print"
    to view
    $i $TMscore$RMSD$cscore[$cIndex]Download
    $i $TMscore$RMSD$cscore[$cIndex]Download

    "; print" "; print" "; print" "; print"
    (a)TM-score is calculated between the designed sequence and the scaffold structure.
    (b)RMSD is calculated between the designed sequence and the scaffold structure.
    (c)C-score typically ranges from [-5,2] and is a quantitative measure of the confidence of each model. The higher the C-score, the higher the confidence in the model.
    "; print "

    "; } print "
    \n"; print "

    \n"; print "Reference:

    \n"; } ?>